Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When I found out that I would be watching the movie "Metropolis", the thought was exciting for me. For, being an architect in the making, I have heard a lot about it from my design professors, and was intrigued to find what the fuss was about.

As the screening started, I tried to be very attentive, for I knew that it being a silent movie must mean that there are certain visual details one must SEE. And so I tried to take mental notes for what I thought was relevant and/or sometimes peculiar; certain words, behaviors and movements captured my attention.

As the movie went on, I found it to be at times boring, other times quite funny. For the overall eccentric feel that it possesses takes on different perspectives throughout the movie. The burst of sudden and sometimes silly movements makes it absurd to watch. However, the fact that is it silent maybe reason enough for such movements to occur. Keeping that in mind, comes the surprise that the movie actually gave me chills at times, for it certainly had a definite impact on my perception of things.

"The mediator between hand and head must be the heart". What was really noticeable in the film was the fact that each of these 3 parties are exaggerated in character, each character representing a symbol - hand, head and heart. Head stiff and expressionless, heart hyper-expressive and sensitive, and hand robot like, formed the pillars of the "Metropolis"; at least the dream of it, where all three join hands just like they literally do at the end of the movie.

Other than that, perhaps the most impressive aspect of the movie is its ability to persist through time. In a time where no such things existed, Lang was able to portray a futuristic city and create a story that is not attached to a certain period of time nor to a city is specific. Even now I could relate to where the story is coming from. It made me think about some of my everyday activities, some maybe lame, it made me think. 

The largely expressionist mood of the film along with its topic and futuristic aspect made it most remarkable for me to watch. For a first time experience in watching a silent movie, I could say I was pleased.

1 comment:

  1. Good but sometimes vague. For instance what type of everyday activities did the movie remind you of? Good choice of pictures.
    Grade: 92
